• WORK
  • Visa Types » Green Card » Check List » I-140

    1. Passport copy
    2. I-94 copy (front and back)
    3. I-797 copy (front and back)
    4. Current resume including employment history (names, addresses and exact dates of employment)
    5. Copies of previous W2 returns
    6. Copies of paystubs for the last 3 pay periods
    7. Transcripts, diplomas and evaluations (we may have these on file if submitted earlier)
    8. Social Security Number
    9. Copy of I-94 card showing date and place of last entry into the U.S. and I-94 card number
    10. Last address abroad
    11. Exipration of current H-1 B visa
    12. Information about your spouse and children, if any
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